Taipei 2006


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PICT6462 PICT6463 PICT6464
The View From Taipei 101 The View From Taipei 101 The fastest elevator in the world at 1010 meters per minute; 30 seconds to go up 89 stories
PICT6465 PICT6488 PICT6489
The inertial damper which prevents the building from topling over A "smart" fountain which sends up water in intervals and senses people walking by, at times getting them wet! Smart Fountain
PICT6490 PICT6491 PICT6493
Smart Fountain Smart Fountain Ching Fu Kung Temple -dedicated to the god of the land
PICT6494 PICT6495 PICT6496
Ching Fu Kung Temple Ching Fu Kung Temple Ching Fu Kung Temple