Pagan 2021

The trip to Pagan May 22-29, 2021 included a bit of astronomy to observe and take some images of the full lunar eclipse, as well as do some GPS mapping for use by CNMI agencies. Many thanks go out to the intrepid crew of Aoba and to June and Jordan Ogo for their warm hospitality. We'll be returning in early April 2022 to take full advantage of the dark skies!

Click on the pictures for full-sized images

Aoba Sarigan Guguan
Aoba Underway in the Northern Islands Sarigan Guguan
Pagan Pagan Pagan
Pagan Pagan Pagan
Welcom to Pagan! Pagan Volcano Pagan
Welcome to Pagan! Pagan just outside of the anchorage The Camping Field
Astronomy Tent Aoba at Anchor Aoba at Anchor
Astronomy Tent Aoba at Anchor Aoba at Anchor
Church Church Church
The Church on Pagan The Church on Pagan The Church on Pagan
Church Church Industrial Disease
The Church on Pagan The Church on Pagan Remnants of the Pozzolan Mining Operation
Pinacles Pinacles Fish
The Pinacles The Pinacles Blue Fish
Pinacles Pinacles Pinacles
Panorama of the Pinacles Panorama of the Pinacles Panorama of the Pinacles
Volcanos Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Volcanos Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat Mangoes
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat Mangoes!
Legs Shamushon Bay Kingfisher
Legs Shamushon Bay A Kingfisher Visiting Aoba
Moonrise Eclipse Eclipse
Moonrise Eclipse & Starfield Starfield during the Eclipse
Eclipse Eclipse Sunset
Eclipse & Starfield Eclipse Sunset